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Wrapping Up the Summer with a Musical Bow

Spirit Of Woodlan

Summer band closes with a week of band camp…well, almost a week. Registration messed with the schedule a bit, but there was music playing and drill marching! Did you hear the band got to march on the new field? They did. I heard it was faaaaabulous.

Anywhoooo, parts one and two of The Witching Hour are on their way to performance levels of awesome. I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE! Can you?

Band camp week ended with the Harlan Days parade on a warm August morning. The sun shone on the festivities to remind us that summer is still in full swing.

The band found a bit of grass and shade to practice, then relax before they took to the route to entertain and delight the crowd with their music.

The crowd waited, perched on chairs, braving the heat. Last time, I marched with the band, this time I sat on the sidelines, a spectator.

The kids held their bags, the promise of candy lingering in the air. Soon, bits of sugar will fall to the ground and fill the emptiness.

Though, some of us waited for the Spirit of Woodlan! That award-winning, inspiring marching band. The sound of drums pulsed through the humidity, announcing their arrival.

Band parents proudly marched along side the band with buckets of ice to fight the heat.

Then they disappeared, the music fading. More people waited in chairs and on blankets for a glimpse of the best band around.

For me, the parade continued. Jeeps and trucks and people throwing candy. OH MY!

Yet the need to see the band persisted, and I hurried to the end of the route.

Mr. Slattery, our fearless leader, was pleased! Or possibly laughing at our very talented photographer Sarah Gunder as she ran amok with camera in hand.

We all love Sarah’s pictures!

Photo by Sarah Gunder

photo by Sarah Gunder

Photo by Sarah Gunder

Photo by Sarah Gunder

Photo by Sarah Gunder

Photo by Sarah Gunder

Photo by Sarah Gunder

And a big thanks to Tate, who returned to help and kept the musicians cool with his magic spray bottle!

After a long march, the band members relaxed in the shade with popsicles, thanks to the Spanglers!

And the band parents found a moment to cool down too. GOOD WORK, EVERYONE!

For this is the end of another summer, another parade season over.

Enjoy the week, then it’s back to school, back to band practices, then on to the show, to competition season.

Are you ready?


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