A lone voice drifted through the fall air. (Thank you, Tanner, for the fabulous solo you delivered every week!)
A desire.
A plea.
A wish.
For success. For luck. For happiness.
But luck doesn’t happen without work. Happiness is found in teamwork and persistence.
What a show. What a season. Rainbows. Cranes, cranes, and more cranes. Origami paper. Lanterns. Fans. A lot of fishing line. The best mural hanging on the band room wall. Awesome banners. Hauling props. Flags. Transforming guard uniforms. Setting up platforms. Speakers. Microphones. Folding and unfolding a giant crane. Lunches. Concessions. Glitter glue (we tried to stop, but it called to us). Bus driving, bus riding. Truck driving. Truck loading and unloading. Uniforms. Shoes. Hats. Plumes. Fundraising. Football games. Pictures. Cheering.
And cranes. One thousand of them. All for the band. Our band.
After months of work. After countless hours of practice. After chasing the dream…
Lucas Oil welcomed the Spirit of Woodlan to perform at ISSMA state finals. Wish granted.
And we brought home fifth place! A tremendous season! A fantastic group! It has been my honor and pleasure to get to know all the fine members of the Spirit of Woodlan marching band and color guard. You make me smile.

LOOK MA WE MADE IT photo by Sarah Gunder
Strange how it’s over. I’m still humming the show and seeing cranes in my dreams. But a rest is needed and deserved.
This is your friendly-band-mom-blogger signing off until next year.
Well done Spirit and all who support them. So long, and thanks for all the cranes.