Welcome to the first day of school aka THE BEGINNING OF MARCHING BAND SEASON!
Back to the classrooms, to the books (or iPads), to homework and tests and early mornings. I know my two were super excited! Okay, not really.
Back to band class everyday.
Back to marching band practice three nights a week.
Soon the first home football game will be here.
Time to focus.
Our first competition is about four weeks away, which might seem like a lot of time, yet it isn’t. So much drill to learn and perfect. So many visuals waiting to be added, then maybe changed…or taken out. So much music to get just right.
So much work.
Work the Spirit of Woodlan can do, is ready to do. The more focus. The more work. The better we will become.
Because we want to hear our name called as a state finalist. We want to play at Lucas Oil Stadium this year. Support our band, those musicians, who know how to work and know how to play…who know what it takes to be the best. the spark is lit, soon it will be a flame, then a burning desire to do their best, to be their best. Help fan the fire so they will be ready to take the field.