Words of wisdom from the incredible band leader, Mr. Slattery.
We aren’t working to get first place in the next competition or the next…
But to go to the state finals.
Keep pushing. Be better.
So the Spirit of Woodlan continues to practice. To perfect the moves and the sound.

Bundled in their Witching Hour purple, practice last Saturday focused on details, on getting each move just right. Doing the same steps over and over. Playing the same notes over and over. Fluttering those same flags again and again. Each section given instructions on how to make the performance its best.
But not only practice and perfect, but enjoy the performance. Enjoy playing the music, not mere notes, but emotions. Enjoy moving across the field, not just steps, but a visual feast for everyone perched in the stands. Not mere bits of fabric attached to poles, but the color and life of the show.
If those marching musicians enjoy the show, enjoy every ounce of work they put in, then those watching will enjoy it. Those sitting on the bleachers will react, will cheer, will turn to others and say, “Wow!”
The band members are working hard. And it will all pay off.
Shine Spirit of Woodlan. Shine bright.